CDI Activation Analysis

CDI Activation Analysis

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The CDI Activation Analysis Tool aids in understanding which activations drive search results by analysing the published holdings files and the results of their processing into the CDI search systems.

There are two options to use this tool (see more details under “Using the Tool”).

  1. It can be accessed directly at You will need to fill in your institution PC key and the CDI record ID you would like to run the analysis for.
  2. Alternatively, the tool can be used directly from the Primo search interface, after installing a bookmark in your browser (more information can be found in the 'Installation of the bookmark' section below). Please note that accessing the tool via the Primo interface may not work for all environments due to local customizations.

If the tool does not help you to understand why a specific CDI record appears in the result list (with or without Full text indication), please open a support case and add the link to the analysis to the case. Please note that support cannot help with troubleshooting the use of this tool itself.

Note that depending on the number of people using the tool simultaneously, it may take a while before the results are displayed.

Installation of the bookmark

Create a new bookmark in your browser of choice with the following javascript as the address:

javascript: (function() {
    function callback() {
        (function($) {
            var jQuery = $;
            javascript: (function() {
                javascript: (function() {
                    var resultsSet = document.getElementsByTagName("prm-brief-result-container");
                    var pckey = window.appConfig['mapping-tables'].primo_central_institutions_unique_ids[0].source1;
                    for (var i = 0; i < resultsSet.length; i++) {
                        var id = resultsSet[i].querySelector("div[data-recordid]").getAttribute("data-recordid");
                        if (id.includes('cdi_')) {
                            resultsSet[i].insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", "<p style='position:relative;z-index:99;font-weight: normal;'><a href='#' onclick='\"" + pckey + "&record_id=" + id + "\");return false;'>CDI Activation Analysis</a></p>");
    var s = document.createElement("script");
    s.src = "";
    if (s.addEventListener) {
        s.addEventListener("load", callback, false)
    } else if (s.readyState) {
        s.onreadystatechange = callback

Example installation steps for Chrome and Firefox

Using the Tool

Within Primo

Note that each analysis has its own unique URL. The analysis will continue to run even if you close the browser and you can use its URL to go back to your analysis output at any time.

Direct Access

Where to find your PC Key

Primo VE

In Primo VE the PC key is referred to as the CDI key. It is the same key and you can find it under Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Central Index and proxy set-up.


The PC Key can be found in your Primo Backoffice, in the institution wizard (Primo Home > Ongoing Configuration Wizards > Institution Wizard). Click on edit institution – you find the PC key field on the right-hand side in the General Institutions Attributes section.

Troubleshooting tips

If clicking on the bookmark does not result in records showing a new link of 'CDI Activation Analysis'

Interpreting Results

After the tool is finished analysis, a table will be presented indicating: CDI results are due to the following activations.

The table includes the following columns and information:

DBIDKnowledge Base database associated with the activation
ProviderThe display name for the provider associated with the DBID
Database NameThe display name for the DBID. The value 'Alma/SFX Local Collection' indicates this is a collection that you create locally in Alma (and that has portfolios that are published to CDI for discovery), or that has no DBID mapped to it on Alma/SFX. The name of the collection is not known to CDI in such a case and the collection therefore appears as Alma/SFX Local Collection.
Rights TypeValues can be DBID (for rights that are taken from the collection level), or Title (for rights that are taken from individual title activations), or Both.
PortfolioFor collections that calculate rights based on individual titles (portfolios), the Portfolio Id that caused the activation is listed.
Requires AuthenticationThis is Yes if the Collection requires a subscription for searching. A user must be authenticated to see the content.
Activation TypeThis will be 'Full Access' if this collection was activated for full text (and included in the holdings or zero title file). This includes A&I databases if they were fully activated in Alma. For FullyFlexible, it will be 'Search Only' if the collection was activated for search and included in the searchable file. 'Search only' will not appear for EasyActive customers, since there is no searchable file.
Full Text LinkingIf ‘yes’:
  • This item is available in full text from this collection.
  • This item is available from an A&I collection that is not available as Full Text.
If ‘no’:
  • The ‘activation type’ is 'full text' and the item belongs to a hybrid collection and this item is only available as a citation.
  • The collection has ‘activation type’ ‘search only’.

For EasyActive customers: If you get page without a result table, this is due to the fact that the record is not activated for full text in your SFX/Alma environment.

CDI Publishing Information

In case of de/activations or changes to CDI settings in Alma or SFX, it currently takes up to 30 hours from publishing in Alma/SFX until the actual rights are visible in the Primo Discovery search.

During this time, the following two steps occur:

  1. First, changes are published by Alma or SFX into a Central Discovery Index holdings file
  2. Afterwards, Central Discovery Index will harvest the file and create full text and searchable rights information

During this time, for the de/activated or changed collections, the CDI activation analysis tool may not provide the exact same results the end user will see in the Primo Discovery search. This is because the tool uses the latest download of the CDI holdings file from Alma/SFX, which may not have been processed by CDI yet.

If you experience this issue, it is recommended to rerun the tool after about 30 hours, when the changes have been processed by CDI.

Information about the CDI Alma publishing can be found at: CDI Alma Publishing

Information about the CDI Summon publishing can be found at: CDI Summon Publishing

Possible Errors

Below is a list of potential errors you might encounter when using the CDI Activation Analysis Tool.

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